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Research Foci | Forschungsfokus: Sugar | Pearls | Human Remains | Amalie Dietrich
Forthcoming | Monographs | Edited Volumes | Bookchapters | Articles | Reviews | Translations
- Digitizing Heritage
TransOceanic Connections between Australia and Europe
Edited Volume, with Carsten Wergin, Heidelberg: HeiUp 2024 (in print) - A Tale of Two Industries
In: tba (in preparation).
- Consuming Whiteness
Australian Racism and the ›White Sugar‹ Campaign
(Racism Analysis Studies 4). 608 pp. Berlin [et al.]: Lit 2014
Flyer, Contents & Conclusion
Review by Raymond Evans in History Australia
Review by Anna von Rath in Zeitschrift für Australienstudien | Australian Studies Journal
Full Text via Archive.org
Full Text
Edited Volumes
- Images of Indigenous Australians in the Œuvre of German-Speaking Artists
Edited Volume, with Wulf D. Hund, Australian Studies Journal | Zeitschrift für Australienstudien, 38, 2023 - Imaginäre Blumen und florale Aphorismen
Picture volume, with Dieter Affeldt, Norderstedt: BoD 2022 preview - »Erinnern tut gut...«
Edited anthology for Prof. Dr. Ulla Knapp, with Gerhard Will, Hamburg: self-published 2012
- »... polished and cultured, speaking English fluently«
The First Japanese Doctor of Broome
In: Documenting Mobility in the Japanese Empire and Beyond, ed. by Takahiro Yamamoto, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan 2022, doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-6391-8_5, pp. 123152 - A Japanese Galen Down Under
Dr Suzuki, Broome, and the Intricacies of White Australia
In: Migrant Australia. From Botany Bay to Manus Island, ed. by Katrin Althans, David Kern, Beate Neumeier. Trier: wvt, KOALAS, Vol. 15, 2022, pp. 105116 - ›Kein Mensch setzt meinem Sammeleifer Schranken‹
Amalie Dietrich zwischen Herbarium und Leichenraub
In: Hamburg: Tor zur kolonialen Welt. Erinnerungsorte der (post-)kolonialen Globalisierung, ed. by Jürgen Zimmerer and Kim Sebastian Todzi. Göttingen: Wallstein 2021, pp. 213228; doi: 10.5771/9783835347342-213 - ›Buy White Stay Fair‹
Racist Political Consumerism Down Under
In: Oxford Handbook for Political Consumerism, ed. by Magnus Boström, Michele Micheletti and Peter Oosterveer. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2019, pp. 643662; doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190629038.013.42 author's proof - »Who are the Aborigines?«
Western Images of Indigenous Australians
In: »And there'll be NO dancing«. Perspectives on Policies Impacting Indigenous Australia since 2007, ed. by Elisabeth Bähr, Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholar Publishing 2017, pp. 307331 - Exterminating the Brute
Racism and Sexism in ›King Kong‹
In: Simianization. Apes, Class, Gender, and Race (Racism Analysis Yearbook 6), ed. by Wulf D. Hund, Charles W. Mills, Silvia Sebastiani. Berlin [et al.]: Lit 2015, pp. 139169 - ›White Sugar‹ against ›Yellow Peril‹
Consuming for national identity and racial purity
In: On Whiteness, ed. by Nicky Falkof and Oliver Cashman-Brown. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press 2012, pp. 313, doi: 10.1163/9781848881051_002 (republished as e-book by Brill in May 2020) - ›White‹ Nation ›White‹ Angst
The Literary Invasion of Australia
In: Racism and Modernity. Festschrift for Wulf D. Hund, ed. by Sabine Ritter, Iris Wigger. Berlin [et al.]: Lit 2011, pp. 222235 - A Paroxysm of Whiteness
›White‹ Labour, ›White‹ Nation and ›White‹ Sugar in Australia
In: Wages of Whiteness & Racist Symbolic Capital (Racism Analysis Yearbook 1), ed. by Wulf D. Hund, Jeremy Krikler, David Roediger. Berlin [et al.]: Lit 2010, pp. 99131
- Der Zenit des Weißseins
Politische Farbsymbolik in Australien von 1788 bis in die 1930er Jahre
In: ›farbmarkierungen‹, WerkstattGeschichte, 89, 2024, pp. 57-71, doi: 10.14361/zwg-2024-890105, abstract - ›A Peculiar Odor‹
Ludwig Becker and the Portraying of Indigenous Australians between Artistic Realism and Racial Labelling
In: Australian Studies Journal | Zeitschrift für Australienstudien, 39, 2023, pp. 101-140, with Wulf D. Hund. doi: 10.35515/zfa/asj.38/2023.05 (online). - Decolonize Amalie Dietrich
Zum 200. Geburtstag der wandernden Natursammlerin und Schänderin indigener Gräber
In: junge Welt, 26 May 2021, pp. 12-13, with Wulf D. Hund. (online) - From ›Plant Hunter‹ to ›Tomb Raider‹
The Changing Image of Amalie Dietrich
In: Australian Studies Journal | Zeitschrift für Australienstudien, 33/34, 2019/20, pp. 89124, with Wulf D. Hund; doi: 10.35515/zfa/asj.3334/201920.06 (online) - ›Racism‹ Down Under
The Prehistory of a Concept in Australia
In: Australian Studies Journal | Zeitschrift für Australienstudien, 33/34, 2019/20, pp. 930, with Wulf D. Hund; doi: 10.35515/zfa/asj.3334/201920.02 (online) - Conflicts in Racism
Broome and White Australia
In: Race & Class, 61, 2019, 2, pp. 4361, with Wulf D. Hund, doi: 10.1177/0306396819871412 (refereed article) - The White Experiment
Racism and the Broome Pearling Industry
In: Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies, 28, 2019, 3, pp. 4358; doi: 10.7311/0860-5734.28.3.05 (refereed article, open-access) - »Making Black White«
Sugar Consumption and Racial Unity in Australia
In: Zeitschrift für Australienstudien | Australian Studies Journal, 31, 2017, pp. 87100; doi: 10.35515/zfa/asj.31/2017.05 (refereed article, open-access) - The Burden of ›White Sugar‹
Producing and Consuming Whiteness in Australia
In: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia. An International Review of English Studies, 52, 2017, 4, pp. 439466; doi: 10.1515/stap-2017-0020 (refereed article, open-access) - Leinwand-Festival 2017
Tagungsbericht aus Rees. In: AV-Dialog, 2017, 3, pp. 1218
- Nicole Hoffmann, Wiebke Waburg (eds.): Eine Naturforscherin zwischen Fake, Fakt und Fiktion. Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven zu Werk und Rezeption von Amalie Dietrich. In: Zeitschrift für Australienstudien | Australian Studies Journal, 38, 2023, pp. 143-152. doi: 10.35515/zfa/asj.38/2023.06 (online)
- Mandisi Majavu: Uncommodified Blackness. The African Male Experience in Australia and New Zealand. Cham: Springer Nature 2017. In: Zeitschrift für Australienstudien | Australian Studies Journal, 32, 2018, pp. 145-149; doi: 10.35515/zfa/asj.32/2018.13 (online)
- Amos Morris-Reich: Racial Photography as Scientific Evidence, 1876-1980. Chicago: Chicago University Press 2016. In: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte (online), 58, 2018
- Heide Fehrenbach and Davide Rodogno: Humanitarian Photography. A History. New York: Cambridge University Press 2015. In: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte (online), 58, 2018
- Thomas Etzemüller: Auf der Suche nach dem Nordischen Menschen. Die deutsche Rassenanthropologie in der modernen Welt, transcript Verlag: Bielefeld 2015. In: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte (online), 57, 2017
- Ben Pitcher: Consuming Race, London: Routledge 2014. In: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte (online), 56, 2016
- Francisco Bethencourt: Racisms. From the Crusades to the Twentieth Century, Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press 2014 (with Malte Hinrichsen and Wulf D. Hund). In: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte (online), 55, 2015
- Alison Ravenscroft: The Postcolonial Eye. White Australian Desire and the Visual Field of Race, Surrey: Ashgate 2012. In: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte (online), 55, 2015
- Mei-Fen Kuo: Making Chinese Australia. Urban Elites, Newspapers and the Formation of Chinese-Australian Identity, 1892-1912. In: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte (online), 55, 2015
- Peter D. Griggs: Global Industry, Local Innovation. The History of Cane Sugar Production in Australia, 1820-1995. In: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte (online), 52, 2012
Selected Translations
- Hermann Korte: On Norbert Elias. Becoming a Human Scientist. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2017. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-17352-4
»First translation of the crucial work«: Über Norbert Elias. Das Werden eines Menschenwissenschaftlers. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 3. Auflage, 2013
Editor's Preface