Layout | Design | Typographie
Meine bisherigen Arbeiten (Design, Layout, Lektorat, Satz, Bildbearbeitung)
My previous Works (Design, Layout, Proof-Reading, Typesetting, Image Editing)
Academic Publications | Racism Analysis Series | Picture Volumes | Other Publications
Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer kompetenten Layouterin, Typographin, Mediendesignerin, Lektorin oder Korrektorin sind, die Ihr Projekt zu Ihrer vollen Zufriedenheit begleitet und in die Tat umsetzt, sind Sie bei mir richtig. Zögern Sie nicht länger und setzen Sie sich jetzt mit mir in Verbindung, um Ihr Vorhaben zu besprechen!
If you are in search of a competent layouter, typographer, proof-reader, or copy editor with a proven track record of excellent work, you have found the right person. Do not hesitate, get in touch now to discuss your needs!
There are specialists, there are allrounders, there are professionals – and then there is me.
I am an avid reader who enjoys not only the haptic of books but also their ›interior design‹. Ever since my earliest experiments with imaging techniques in my childhood, I have been training my aesthetic awareness in terms of photography, lettering, and all things in-between. I am not a trained graphics guru but a learned layouter. I hugely enjoy transforming texts into illustrated, printable products! Also, the people working with me and partaking in my artistic adventures have always been very pleased with the outcome.
There are those who call me an »all-purpose tool« for my combination of graphical skills with my erudite, academic knowledge and my delight in playful experiments. Then again – you know how people are ...
Academic Publications
Australian Studies Journal |
Zeitschrift für Australienstudien
published by the German Association for Australian Studies (GASt), DOI: 10.35515/zfa.asj.[volume]/[year]
( online and as print production )
Design, Layout & Typesetting since 2017,
Technical Editor (Design & Typesetting) since 2018
Issue 39 (2024) | FullText
Issue 38 (2023) | FullText
Issue 37 (2023) | FullText
Issue 36 (2022) | FullText
Issue 35 (2021) | FullText
Issue 33/34 (2019/20) | FullText
Issue 32 (2018) | FullText
Issue 31 (2017) | FullText
Sample / Muster
published by the German Association for Australian Studies (GASt)
( online )
Design & Typesetting since 2020 (No 22)
Der Ruf des Schneckenhorns
Ed. by Carsten Wergin, Corinna Erckenbrecht. Heidelberg, 2018 ( as print publication and open access )
Sample / Muster
Conference Proceedings ›Alternative Eliten‹
published by the Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer des Fachbereichs Sozialökonomie (Universität Hamburg), 2015
Racism and Modernity
Festschrift for Wulf D. Hund, ed. by Sabine Ritter, Iris Wigger. Berlin [et al.]: Lit 2011
Sample / Muster
Racism Analysis Series
›Racism Analysis‹ is a research series that explores racial discrimination in all its varying historical, ideological and cultural patterns.
It examines the invention of race, the dimensions of modern racism and inquires into racism avant la lettre. The series brings together scholars from various disciplines and schools of thoughts. A key aim is to contribute to the conceptualisations of racism and to identify practices of dehumanisation intrinsic to it.
While I am not responsible for the layout & typography of the Racism Analysis Studies (besides, obviously, RAS 4 – my very own ›Consuming Whiteness‹) and the first of the Racism Analysis Yearbooks, it is definitely a series worth careful perusal.
Sample / Muster
Layout for RAY/RAS Volumes:
RAY 4 (2013) — Colonial Advertising & Commodity Racism
RAY 5 (2014) — Racism and Sociology
RAY 6 (2015) — Simianization
RAS 4 (2014) — Consuming Whiteness
RAS 5 (2022) — Marx and Haiti
Picture Volumes
Imaginäre Blumen

›Imaginäre Blumen und florale Aphorismen‹ (Imaginary Flowers and Floral Aphorisms)
combines illustrations of plants with bon mots and quotations from various writers, poets and other notable people. While the textual wisdom touches on worldly themes and matters, the flowers collected in this volume are not shown in their natural form.
This is precisely not pure nature photography, but a play with the boundary between photography and painting. Their alienation in colour turns the floral representatives into unreal protagonists who allow us to dive into fantastic dream worlds.
Vorschau auf Buch | Preview of Book
Imaginäre Blumen und florale Aphorismen
picture volume, with Dieter Affeldt
ISBN: 978-3-75626-294-6
Other Publications
Info Material
Certainly a strong example is this website, carved out of HTML and CSS with my bare brains
but also my photo homepage, and my old homepage created with Typo3;
in terms of Content Management and Coding,
there used to be a Uni Hamburg homepage (WaybackMachine) which ran on Typo3 and which I significantly beautified and adjusted to the owner's desires,
the Wordpress website for the GdFF, which I have maintained from November 2015 through April 2019 and for which I have also done some conceptional work, and, the latest addition to my collection of supervised and maintained websites,
the website of the Gesellschaft für Australienstudien (GASt), the Association for Australian Studies in Germany.
Maintenance of the GASt-Twitteraccount
Maintenance of the CAS-Twitteraccount
Flyer, certificates, poster, and other promotional material for the Gesellschaft für Australienstudien (GASt)
Flyer, poster and booklet for the IWH-Symposium Digitising Heritage
Flyer and posters for the Hamburger Fototage, since 2015
Info material for the University of Bremen: ›Soziologie studieren an der Universität Bremen‹, WiSe 2015/16
All kinds of info and promotional material for the Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer des Fachbereichs Sozialökonomie (i.a. flyer, business cards, ›Finale‹ poster, certificates, online presence)
Commemoration booklet with poems, pictures and reminiscences for a departed academic
... and many more