News & Notes | Neuigkeiten & Neuheiten
ASJ | ZfA 38/2023
February 2024
Fresh from the press, Wulf D. Hund and my visually stunning and intellectually enlightening special issue of the Zeitschrift für Australienstudien | Australian Studies Journal, including our article ›A Peculiar Odor is Perceptible‹. Ludwig Becker and the Portraying of Indigenous Australians between Artistic Realism and Racial Labelling and my review of Hoffmann, Waburg (eds.): Eine Naturforscherin zwischen Fake, Fakt und Fiktion. Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven zu Werk und Rezeption von Amalie Dietrich.
»The artists documented in this issue of the ›Zeitschrift für Australienstudien | Australian Studies Journal‹ have left behind images of indigenous Australians that are generally recognised as at least less corrupt, if not outright empathetic. The fact that they are nevertheless not free from the social circumstances of their creation is shown by the studies of Jane Lydon on Carl Walter, Susan Woodburn on Alexander Schramm, Ruth Virginia Pullin on Eugen von Guérard as well as the paper on Ludwig Becker by Hund and Affeldt.«
Imaginäre Blumen
Publication / Veröffentlichung
›Imaginäre Blumen und florale Aphorismen‹ (Imaginary Flowers and Floral Aphorisms) combines illustrations of plants with bon mots and quotations from various writers, poets and other notable people. While the textual wisdom touches on worldly themes and matters, the flowers collected in this volume are not shown in their natural form. This is precisely not pure nature photography, but a play with the boundary between photography and painting. Their alienation in colour turns the floral representatives into unreal protagonists who allow us to dive into fantastic dream worlds.
Vorschau auf Buch | Preview of Book, picture volume, with Dieter Affeldt, ISBN: 978-3-75626-294-6
Challenge 321
August 2021
For the first time, I have taken part in the world-wide ›Challenge 321‹ the International Audiovisual Contest with my AV show »Visiting Old Tailem Town«. The pictures were taken at the open-air museum of the same name. It was an honour and superior experience for me to participate and be placed seventy-fourth of ninety-four.
June 2021
At the end of June 2021, I am invited to speak to an international audience about The Eclipse of Whiteness at the workshop Toward a History of Modern Colour at Pembroke College, Cambridge University.
200th Birthday of Amalie Dietrich
May 2021
The junge Welt has published Wulf D. Hund and my article Decolonize Amalie Dietrich. Zum 200. Geburtstag der wandernden Natursammlerin und Schänderin indigener Gräber, which discusses her entanglement in late 19th century colonialism.
Challenge 321
April 2021
I am taking part in the current ›Challenge 321‹ the International Audiovisual Contest with my AV show »Visiting Old Tailem Town« that was produced with pictures taken at the open-air museum in Tailem Bend, on the occasion of my expedition to South Australia and Victoria with my roadmate.
German Association for Australian Studies
January 2021
In the recent meeting of members of the Gesellschaft für Australienstudien (German Association for Australian Studies) the present members elected me a member of the executive board. In this position I will continue my work for the Association in terms of social media and the website as well as the tasks of the technical editor of the Australian Studies Journal.
A German ›Collector‹ in Queensland
December 2020
Fresh from the press, Wulf D. Hund and my breath-taking and ground-breaking analysis of the images of Amalie Dietrich in the German discourse from the Kaiserreich via the Weimar Republic, the fascist ›Reich‹, the Federal Republic as well as the Democratic Republic to reunited Germany – From ›Plant Hunter‹ to ›Tomb Raider‹. The Changing Image of Amalie Dietrich in the newest issue of the Australian Studies Journal | Zeitschrift für Australienstudien, 33-34, 2019-2020, pp. 89-124.
A ›Germany‹ in Australia
December 2020
Fresh from the press also, Wulf D. Hund and my detailed investigation into the concept of ›racism‹ in Australia – ›Racism‹ Down Under. The Prehistory of a Concept in Australia can also be found in the newest issue of the Australian Studies Journal | Zeitschrift für Australienstudien, 33-34, 2019-2020, pp. 9-30.
Upcoming Conference
October 2020
At the end of November 2020, I will be presenting my virtual paper »...polished and cultured, speaking English fluently«. The Japanese Doctor of Broome to an international audience at the workshop Documenting Mobility in the Japanese Empire and Beyond at the Heidelberg Centre of Transcultural Studies.
GASt eNewsletter No 22, January 2020
February 2020
Fresh from the press with a brand-new design the latest eNewsletter of the GASt eNewsletter series infos, events, and articles regarding Australia and Australian topics. This time with a conference report of our Digitising Heritage workshop and an exhibition review of Lustre.
Social Media CAS
January 2020
The Twitter account of the Centre for Australian Studies (CAS), Cologne, is prospering. Follow @CAS_Cologne for information, updates and events regarding Australia, the CAS, and its members.
Social Media GASt
November 2019
After the revamping of the website, the Twitter account of the Gesellschaft für Australienstudien | Association for Australian Studies (GASt) is now up and running. Follow @GASt_AfAS for information, updates and events regarding Australia and the association.
Broome & White Australia
October 2019
Fresh from the press: written together with Wulf D. Hund, a breath-taking and path-making essay on racism and classism in Broome, including the case study of Dr Tadashi Suzuki, a Japanese medic who against the whites' objection was invited by the Japanese community of Broome to practise medicine in the town from 1910 to 1914.
published in print and online in Race & Class doi: 10.1177/0306396819871412.
›A White Australia Industry‹
May 2019
I am going to present a paper problematizing the history of sugar in Australia in light of the White Australia Industry at the British Sociological Association Food Study Group Conference on Food Systems & Society at the Monash University, Prato (Italy) in late June 2019.
Digitizing Heritage
January 2019
Carsten Wergin and I are organizing a workshop on the Digitizing of (Australian) Heritage in late 2019. This event will be hosted in cooperation with GASt (the German Association for Australian Studies). We invite you to come to Heidelberg and join us and our international speakers for an inspiring and important event. Find more information in the carefully designed poster and the programme !
Research Grant by DFG
July 2018
Awesome news, the German Research Foundation (DFG) is supporting my research on Exception or Exemption? The Broome Pearling Industry and the White Australia Policy with a three-year grant. Project details in English and German can be found here.
Upcoming Conference
May 2018
At the end of June 2018, I am invited to speak to an international audience about Whitening Sugar. Culinary Inclusion and Exclusion in Australia at the conference Inclusion and Exclusion. Facets of a Phenomenon in History and Literature at the Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz.
Now Online
April 2018
My reviews of Amos Morris-Reich: Racial Photography as Scientific Evidence, 1876-1980 and Heide Fehrenbach, Davide Rodogno: Humanitarian Photography are now online.
Fresh from the Press I
March 2018
My article The Burden of White Sugar. Producing and Consuming Whiteness in Australia has been published online in Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 52, 2017, 4
Fresh from the Press II
March 2018
An exciting new issue of the Australian Studies Journal with contributions by Oliver Haag, Regina Ganter, Alexandra Ludewig, et. al is now available. Have a look at the new design after my makeover and my own contribution Making Black White on pages 87 ff.